1994 — Battle of Cassino reunion


Cliff with Toni. Will Cooper photo

I wrote this as Dad and I traveled around southern Italy for the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Cassino. It was 1994, making him 76 and me 48. Thirty years ago.

For better or worse it started as a diary and pretty much still is. If you think I was being hard on him I agree, and I’m sure you’ll be as hard on me — I certainly come across as a bit of a smart aleck. But reading it now recalls the trip so vividly that I’ll take what’s coming and let it stand.

Yes, I’ve noticed that I’m older now than Dad was then — and our kids older than I was. Let them know I’m not ready to pass the reins to them just yet. Also that Dad and I always had a combative relationship but I was never closer to him than this.

Cliff & Dorothy 1994. Rodney Ellmore photo

Mum said to me at the airport, “You know it’s going to be a long two weeks, don’t you?” Dad was starting to show his age at times, and Mum, showing hers rather less, was managing partner in the relationship. The sad irony is that over the next six years she declined a little faster than him, and the roles began to reverse. Our cohort knows these things first hand now. As the tee-shirt says, it’s weird finding yourself the same age as old people. ~ Ian


1994 — Battle of Cassino reunion

Read the stories in order by clicking NEXT at the bottom of each page, or use these links.

Smoking or non-smoking?
Old friends
Am I a coward if I duck?
Normale! Normale!
The old soldiers were friends too
Shaky old bodies stood to attention
Let Avis worry

Travel Stories

The photos were scanned from an album we made at the time. Not very flash — 6×4 prints from a Minolta compact film camera — but they bring back memories.


Pigeon Holes